Disguise An Ex- External Window

The Brief

Following the extension of the property, to disguise the old external wall window which was now internal to the bathroom and lounge (and one to the bedroom too!)

What We Did

The Approach

The extension was built onto the back of the bungalow, but the previous owners had pretty much left the back of the house exposed with an unsightly bathroom window peering onto the living area.

On the other end of the wall, double doors had been blocked up and a double glazing unit had been fitted to allow light into the bedroom beyond. Both of these looked terrible from the living areas and the bathroom and bedroom beyond.

The use of glass blocks was a clever and stylish design choice to solve the problem of allowing light into the rooms beyond, and to make a statement in the living area. The style of glass blocks were chosen (in this case a silver colour) and a row was fitted between the living area and the bedroom, and a column was fitted between the living area and the bathroom. It was important these were fitted flush with the wall (on both sides). For the column in the bathroom, these were spaced out to match the centre of the bath that would be fitted (see Bathroom Renovation above). No, you can’t see what’s going on in the bathroom even if you have your face up against the glass (people always ask!)

We fit a length of coving to see how it would look, but decided against it in the end.

A Stylish Result

Cost of parts and labour was around £1,000. The estimated increase in the property’s value was…its hard to say, but without this work the previous owners struggled to sell, and even then it only sold to someone looking for a project for £15,000 less than the asking price.

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